Monday, November 18, 2013

Bandi Town!

So our Friend Jen from Bandit Brand has bought herself a town!Bandit Town!! This place is going to rock! Never the less check out the video below! She needs your help, labor, skills, donations etc.. to get this thing going! It's going to be a place we can all enjoy and have some killer times with friends!Check it out! Donate what you can! Remember every bit counts and helps! Click  Bandit Town!!!!

Sunday, November 17, 2013


So a few months back our good friend Cicero deGuzman Jr was in town and shot some great photos! He is truly one of the best photographers out there! Check his stuff out you'll lots of rad photos of our friends! Buy his books lots of great shots in it! You can check his stuff at GODSPEED 45/06 here are some of the shots he took while visiting!